Allows Admins (and players, if the cvar is set) to change Survivor models. Speech and so on changes aswell. Might have odd effects when someone startles the witch, or at any other given moment.


l4d2_setsurvivormodel_version - obvious
l4d2_setsurvivormodel_freechoice - if this is 1 players can use the sm_setmymodel command


sm_setmodel - usable by Admins with the CHEATS flag - "sm_setmodel <player> <nick|rochelle|coach|ellis|bill|zoey|francis| louis> - set a Players Survivor Model"

sm_setmymodel - usable if the cvar is 1 - "sm_setmymodel <nick|rochelle|coach|ellis|bill|zoey|francis| louis> - choose the Survivor you'd like to be"
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